LisoFloor 4000
Transparent and color protection for wooden floors.
LisoFloor 4000 consists of reactive polymers. This water-based solution is an excellent protection for wood floors, both indoors and outdoors.
Aqueous solution product.
Strong increase in wear resistance.
LisoFloor 4000 complies with VOC standards worldwide. LisoFloor 4000 while giving a satin or glossy finish, colored or not, protects your wooden floor. Easy application with a roller.
Excellent durability of this protection. Strong increase in wear resistance. Does not flake or discolor.
Aqueous solution product, without any solvent and with a very low VOC emission rate.
Interior or exterior use. For all types of wood. Do not polish or burnish this product.
The treated surface will be accessible to pedestrians after 3 days and to all traffic 8 days after application.